Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Two men I greatly admire (and not just because they are my sons)

This post -- the first in a long time -- is not an exploration of the blessings and challenges of recycled fatherhood. It is just shameless gloating. This month, my first and second sons both landed excellent jobs.

To say that I place a high value on my sons' autonomy would be an understatement, but I'm not just relieved that they have jobs. I'm excited about the kinds of work they will be doing.

Charlie, a recent UCLA grad and a professional musician, started this week as a specialist at the Apple store in Santa Monica. The job has great synergy with his musicianship (in addition to playing bass, he composes and performs electronic music on a MacBook). He called me tonight with a positive report about his first day on the floor.

Thomas, a freshman (political science major) at UCSD, will be a resident assistant (RA) at the university beginning next year. He is the right man for the job, compulsive about helping people and brilliantly inventive in figuring out how best to do it -- qualities he has demonstrated as a student council member at UCSD's Warren College and, previously, as ASB president at his high school. I see lots more leadership in his future.

No pearl of wisdom, no punch line. I just admire these two young men so much, and I want those who come across this blog to know about it.


  1. Dave I too am recycled (or Do-it-again, Do-it-over) or whatever. I've marked your blog for following via Google Reader. Keep up the good work.

  2. StamperDad: Thanks for the comment and the contact message. Will stay in touch for sure. Dig your avatar ("Ack!").

  3. Hi Dave,

    I stopped by to see how you're doing on your blog, and it looks great. Even though I'm not a recycled dad, I found the articles interesting and entertaining. It looks like you're having a lot of fun with this.

    This particular article was a real treat. I miss your family updates over lunch. It's hard to believe that Charlie's already graduated. It doesn't seem like that long ago that I was learning he got accepted at UCLA.

    I'm glad to see that both he and Thomas are doing well.

    Take care,

  4. Hey, Jim. Thanks for visiting. Yep, they keep growing up! I'm ecstatic at how 'the guys' are thriving. And yes, we're overdue for a lunch!

    @Readers: Jim has awesome (free) resources for those who are caring for people with Alzheimer's. Visit .
