Friday, August 21, 2009

Help solve the identity crisis

If you have a moment for a little experiment,  do a Web search for "recycled dad." You should see a link to this blog somewhere on the first two pages of results. (As I write this, I have something in the #9 position in the Google results for this phrase.)

But as you've probably noticed, traffic here is a little light. Here's why: No one is searching for "recycled dad." Why would they? This special segment of the dad population is not commonly referred to by that term -- or by any succinct term, as far as I can tell. (If there were such a term in use, I'd have made that the name of the blog and everyone would be coming here.) So I have found it necessary to offer a term of my own.

A little perspective

"A term of my own" is sort of misleading because, as I said in an earlier post, I did not coin the phrase "recycled dad." But I think it's a great, memorable phrase that aptly describes us -- the audacious few who have dared to re-enter the parenting cycle at a point in life when our peers are prying the caps off cold pilsners to celebrate the fact that all their offspring are finally (or nearly) out of the nest.

Frankly, I'm surprised that this term has never gotten enough exposure to attain 'household' status. Hopefully we can remedy that.

To see things in perspective, realize that other kinds of nonstandard dads had to go through this same identity crisis. For example, there must have been a time when "stepfather" wasn't a word, when a guy in that situation had to refer to himself as "the husband of someone who already has kids."

It's just our turn, that's all. And the way out of this crisis is clear, simple and painless.

How to help (yourself or someone else)

If you fit the description of a recycled dad (even if you don't like that particular term), contact me so I know you're out there. If you're not already connected to other recycled dads, I'd like to help you. And if you are already connected to other recycled dads, I need you to help me!

Maybe you don't fit the description yourself but you know someone who does (your friend, your dad, your brother?). If so, let him know there is a name for what he is, and point him here.

If a guy doesn't know what to call the group he's in, he will have a very hard time finding others who are in it.

1 comment:

  1. [...] Domingo presents Help solve the identity crisis posted at Recycled Dad, saying, “This post is aimed at the dad who has adult kids and young [...]
